it plays and earry song it plays and earry song it plays and earry song
Turn on the sound
i don't know you but you sound sexy im tiff you sound hot im hot im sexyWhoever answerd that first question is a retard. anyway to know when its Friday check in your journal.
the best way to get arceas in Pokemon diamond might be hard for you but i bet you'll think it was worth it! i have all the Pokemon on earth and arceas might have been the second hardest to get you have to get 3 dialga's and 3palkia's then put all of them in your party then they'll morph together then somehow they turn into one arceas!! i was as surprised you are!!! it may sound impossible but i speak the truth!!!!You can also you action replay which is a lot easier FROM FPM
The type of " sound " Zorua the Pokemon makes is, Zo, Zor Zo, Zor, or Zorua
To get the Hoenn Sound, you must first defeat Red at Mt. Silver. Then, on any Wednesday, tune your PokeGear to the Pokemon Music Channel to listen to the Hoenn Sound.
you find the azure flute after you complete the national pokedex. after completing the national pokedex go to the pokemart in canalave city and talk to the guy in the green suit and he will give it to you. in case you didnt know when you get the azure flute go to spear pillar and sound it. the sound of the flute will awaken arceus. another amazing tip from the Pokemon master
You can get Arceus at Spear Pillar with the Azure Flute on Pokemon Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum Versions. You need to get an azure flute (either go to mystery gift or use an action replay) and then go to the place where youget Palkia, Dialga or Giraitina and it will say the azure is making an odd sound would u like to blow in it, press yes and some steps will apear. Go up the steps and Arceus will be there. Note, you will not be able to get Arceus if you ain't got the national pokedex. Go to spear pillar use the azure flute at the entrance after there is Arceus in front of you
You have to get azure flute to get Aruces. You get the azure flute in the market in Jublife or in Canalve City. You will see the green guy and he will give the azure flute. Then you go to the Spear Piller (where you catch Pal,Dia,Gira) and you and you go straight until it says: "The azure flute is making sound would you blow the azure flute?"and you click yes. Then the glowing stairway comes out and in the top there is Aruces. You can catch it with hyperball.
You need the Azure Flute. You can only get it with action replay. P.S. The code is long
you go to the poke-mart while holding down L and get your azure flute. then you go to spear pillar and it should say something weird, like, "a strange sound emanates through your azure flute." after it says that, play the azure flute. a bunch of stairs will appear. go up them and STOP before you get to the glass panel AND SAVE!!! arceus will be lv. 80, so be well prepared for battle.
Talk to the mystery gift guy in celestic town. he will give you an azure flute. then go to the spear pillar. it will say," your names azure flute is making a sound! blow into azure flute?" Say, yes and a stairway will appear go up and arceus is on the little platform. Go forward and you will see it. ONLY TRY IF YOU ARE PREPARED. It will take a really long time. Buy at least 50 ultra balls. and maybe 5 quick balls. then try to catch it.
You must play the flute as soon as you step into Spear Pillar, immediately after leaving the cave at the summit. yea, i know, but usually, when u exit to spearpillar, it sposed to say that its making a wierd sound and asks u if u wanna blow into it, but it doesnt do that, so i stand on the picture of the flute and go to the azure flute, but the only option is "cancel". ???
Turn on the sound
I won't guarentee that this will work for everyone. This is just what happened to me. Do not need an AR.This happened to me unintentionally... I don't know if it was just a fluke or if it happens every time... when you first encounter Palkia defeat it. Don't catch it! Later on Lucas or Dawn whichever one isn't your character will run up and say that Palkia is back and on a rampage again. Before you go back to Palkia, gather the psychic trio Azelf, Uxie, and Mesprit... Take those three to where Palkia is waiting at the top of Mt Coronet. You can catch Palkia then and after that you can go into a pokemart and find the man in green that will give you the Azure Flute. Take that to the top of Mt. Coronet and you will be asked to activate it... the rest is pretty obvious...Ok. That sound like a fluke. Did you do the wifi event and just forget? Because that's how you get the Azure flute. And are you sure that you, without knowing, did a cheat? Because defeating Plakia is risky thing. I say just get the Azure flute, or trade with someone.PS. Do you think it would work for Pokemon Diamond?
A bassoon has a lower sound than a flute.
You blow into the Flute's mouth, The sound comes out the rear end.
exactly how a d note should sound on a flute