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you can't, this game is the era before hoenn came out.

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Q: In Pokemon Crystal version how do you get to hoenn?
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Pokemon crystal should be in jhoto if not the game your playing is a hack. Claw gossils make Anoriths, correct? If you have a legit game boy color Pokemon crystal, you cant get a claw fossil, because anorith is a hoenn Pokemon.

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Hoenn is not in heartgold version, only johto and kanto are in heartgold, hoenn is in emerald

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No, Nuzleaf was introduced in Hoenn.

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If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes

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if you mean Pokemon #44 in hoenn's pokedex, it is shedinja

Can you get the Hoenn region in Pokemon Black?

No so far the hoenn region is exclusive to Ruby, Sapphire and Emerald version.

How do you trade from crystal to crystal?

To trade Pokemon from Pokemon Crystal version to another version of Crystal you need to use a link cable. You can also battle this way.

Can you go to Jhoto or Kanto from hoenn in Pokemon emerald?

No but in Pokemon crystal you can go from johto to kanto to johto etc.!!!

Can you get to other regions in Pokemon emerald version?

no but if you catch all the hoenn pokemon you can catch jotho and kanto pokemon

Where do you find Heracross in Pokemon Crystal Version?

In Pokemon Crystal Version, a Heracross will occasionally appear when you use headbutt on trees.

What is the last version of Pokemon in GBC?

Crystal version.