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by the tree on the left hand side by the stream

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Q: In Pippa Funnell Secrets of the ranch I am stuck on the part where you have to spy on the mayor where do you hide when you are at the church by the way I stayed at the small ranch with Oliver.?
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How did Goku survive after he defeated Frieza?

Goku survived after beating Frieza by taking Captain Ginyu's ship, which had survived the destruction of Namek. He landed in the planet of the Yardrats, and stayed there until returning to Earth.

Is level 7 solo on Black Opz Zombies good?

Meh! decent for a complete noob! I usually get around 18-20 when i play solo and about 30-40 online. train harder PS3 user: Claytor98 Don't listen to that jerk, dude. It depends on whether you have moved through a few rooms or if you stayed in the room you started in. If you moved throughout different doors in the level, then that's not bad, but if you stayed in one area until they overwhelmed you, then you suck. Luckily i moved rooms then aye?

How many girlfriends do ash haves?

well he has misty may and dawn i dont know if he broke up with them but they were all his girlfriends. EDIT: ash had all of them as girlfriends but I pretty sure they all just stayed behind when he left their home island. so That means he has 3 girlfriends (which yes i know is weird).

How did Tracy leave in Pokemon?

Professor Oak told Ash to get the GS ball and met Tracy. Ash entered the orange league and won then went back to prof oak and Brock stayed there with a professor called Ivy. Ash gave him the GS and Tracy was fascinated to see prof oak and wanted to stay with him

Is there a hellsing ps2 game?

No there are no ps2 games of hellsing. Cause the anime didn't seem that popular to the creators so it stayed as a show and mangas to. The only ps2 video game that comes close to Hellsing is Dark Watch. The main character in Dark Watch and Alucard have many simularities, both in dress and in other characteristics.

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Where did oliver cromwell stay in baarnard caastle?

i think he stayed in valentines if that is correct :) poppy

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A Puritan who stayed in the Church of England.

Why are the greasers considered heroes in the outsiders?

Beacause they saved little children in the burning church they stayed at.

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In the Middle Ages there was no social diversity. People were born into a class of people and that is where they stayed. If they were a peasant they stayed a peasant, a serf stayed a serf, clergy stayed with the church, and the nobility stayed in their class. A noble didn't marry a peasant and a peasant didn't become educated since there were no schools. There was no upward mobility within the society.

Where did the burning church on the outsiders take place?

In the town of Windrixville (no state named, fictional place)

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The Church took the Bible literally, and they interpreted a verse that said the Sun stayed still. They said that Copernicus and Galileo where traitors of the bible and condemned them.

Why did Henry viii execute people who stayed loyal to the church?

Roman Catholic AnswerFor political reasons, Henry saw opposition to his new "church" as opposition to the crown, and thus treason.

What is the subplot for Oliver Twist?

one of the most important events that happened in Oliver Twist is when he got into a fight with Noah Claypole because that got the ball rolling and set of a chain of events. another important event that happened was when Oliver stayed with Mr. Brownlow because without him the mystery of his parentage may never have been solved. The last important event is when he got shot and stayed with the Maylies.

During the reformation Spain and France stayed?

Catholic from fear of the roman Catholic church but after 1606 after new England Spain and France

What is the correct grammar stayed in or stayed at?

Both are correct, depending on the situation. I stayed in my house. I stayed in a hotel. I stayed at the door. I stayed at the starting-line. I stayed at the beach for the weekend. I stayed at my friend's house.

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The correct spelling is stayed.

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The homophone of Stayed is "stayed."