i would say zaku temari and naruto shippuden try that team there awesome
ok with temari? i know it on 100% temari,kidomaru,tenten or shikamaru!!
the best team is your mom
oboru, shikumaru, and shipuden naruto. thats what i like to use or... oboru, jirobou, and shipuden naruto one of those.
team 7- naruto, sasuke, sakura or... sasuke, dosu and tayuya this is what i think
ok with temari? i know it on 100% temari,kidomaru,tenten or shikamaru!!
Use good ninja with sikamaru or temari.
i would pick rehab gaara konkuro and temari
for gaara: gaara, shino and akadou for kimmimaro: kimmimaro, tenten S and temari for sasuke: sasuke, chiyo and dosu, replace chiyo with shizune if you dont have
it is naruto zaku and temari with temai first you hit all the enemies which they are taken 35 health then with zaku you do 20 damage with the air cuter then if extrame air may be used one enemy will be killed and the others will have 20 health then if you have inoff chakra you wil hit one enemy with temari and the other with zaku
I've found good instroductions from a website (see the related link below) so try searching there, or type into google "How to make Naruto Temari's fan?"
naruto-arena or soul- arena fusion fall
Naruto-Arena is a pretty good online game to me.
hinata kiba and tayuya
Hinata, Shino and Jiroubou
if its naruto arena, then Team 7
naruto(s),sasuke and temari or gaara,rock lee and sasuke