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Human,Devil Hunter,Sons of Sparda,Dante Must Die,Heaven or Hell,Hell and Hell

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Q: In Devil May Cry 4 what are the difficulties?
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Is devil may cry 5 related with devil may cry 4?


Is devil may cry 4 the last of the devil may cry series?

No there will be and Devil May Cry 5 but i don't know when.

God of War or Devil May Cry Four?

Devil may cry 4

Is Devil May Cry 5 is the last Devil May Cry series?

Well although it has been hinted about it isn't. Devil May Cry 4 is the latest.

Is there a Devil May Cry PC game?

Yes Devil May Cry 4 is also on pc

What is devil may cry 4?

Devil may cry 4 is a game that picks up after the events of the first devil may cry. It features a new character, nero, as well as the usual hero, Dante.

Is there a devil may cry 6?

No there is not a Devil May Cry 6, only 4. A new devil may cry is in the making, DMC. Though it is the 5th game using the Devil May Cry name it is the first game in a reboot of the series.

Is Lucia on Devil May Cry 4?


Can you play Devil May Cry 1 and 2 on PC?

No, Becauz Devil May Cry 1 and 2 were only released in playstation but Devil May Cry 3 and 4 were relesed in PC .

Devil May Cry 4 will never come in ps2 in future?

i don't think that will happen because devil may cry 1 and 2 were for ps1 and devil may cry 3 was in ps2 and 4 is in ps3 that's what they do they keep continuing on the next generation of play station but what really confuses and bothers me is why didn't they make a devil may cry for psp

Why your PC cannot play Devil May Cry 4?

it can

Devil may cry 4 cheats?

no cheats sorry