Beast Mage is not a class, it's a "build", basically, get a high Intelligence stat and high Charisma, and then use the best pets and spells that are available
go to warlic's place and click on mage quests and then click wizard quest
i suggest mage
Username:fighter345Password:qwertyLevel 42 Mage
click on twilly in town and click hello and then click vist stat trainers and then click on sir lancer or the mage and click luck.
You can make potions by going to Warlic,Mage Shop -> Explore ShopThen just drag the ingredients into the big pot below, and it will add them.
To become a mage on Adventure Quest Worlds, you can either start as a mage when you make your account or you can by it for 1000 gold from Arcana's shop in the trainers area.
your not a mage or your not a rage
if you want to be a mage go to the wizard in his shop and say mage quests then you become a mage
go to warlic's place and click on mage quests and then click wizard quest
You have to be a level 5 knight and mage, then go to Paladin Order
i suggest mage
Username:fighter345Password:qwertyLevel 42 Mage
dued get some mage robes and the best staff
Just click your items and click your mage class then click equip.
That`s quite simple go to warlic`s mage shop and click on class quests there you will find wizard or mage . select the mage :)
go to walic's shop and click on mage quests then click on wizard quest (you have to be a lvl
Priests/Priestess heal, mages don't .