it means your Xbox 360 has died due to hardware failure the only thing you can do is ring Microsoft and tell them about this problem and they should be able to fix it for free as they just gave out a 3 year warranty to customers with the red light formally known as the ring of death i hope this solves your problems cheers
here is the cheat. [ Green ] [ Red ] [ Green ] [ Yellow ] [ Green ] [ Blue ] [ Green ] [ Orange ] [ Green ] [ Blue ] [ Green ] [ Yellow ] [ Green ] [ Red ] [ Green ] [ Green + Red ] [ Red + Yellow ] [ Green + Red ] [ Yellow + Blue ] [ Green + Red ] [ Blue + Orange ] [ Green + Red ] [ Yellow + Blue ] [ Green + Red ] [ Red + Yellow ] [ Green + Red ] [ Green + Yellow ]
Your cords in the back are not connected well or your XBox is dieing.
it means somthing is not plugged in well
You should call microsoft, the number is 1-800-4MY-XBOX
Aaron Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Air Instruments Red, Red, Blue, Yellow, Green, Green, Green, Yellow. Always Slide Green, Green, Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Yellow, Blue. AT&T Ballpark Yellow, Green, Red, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Yellow. Auto Kick Yellow, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Blue, Blue, Red. Best Buy Kid (Nick) Green, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Blue, Blue, Green. Euro Contest Winner (Johnny Viper) Blue, Red, Blue, Blue, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Flame Color Green, Red, Green, Blue, Red, Red, Yellow, Blue. Gem Color Blue, Red, Red, Green, Red, Green, Red, Yellow. Hyperspeed Green, Blue, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Red, Green, Green. Invisible Characters Green, Red, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Blue, Green. Line 6 Green, Red, Yellow, Blue, Red, Yellow, Blue, Green. Performance Mode Yellow, Yellow, Blue, Red, Blue, Green, Red, Red. Quickplay Blue, Blue, Red, Green, Green, Blue, Blue, Yellow. Rina Blue, Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Yellow, Yellow, Green. Star Color Red, Red, Yellow, Red, Blue, Red, Red, Blue. Vocal Fireball Red, Green, Green, Yellow, Blue, Green, Yellow, Green.
Bring it to gamestop and get it fixed. It has red ring of death!
here is the cheat. [ Green ] [ Red ] [ Green ] [ Yellow ] [ Green ] [ Blue ] [ Green ] [ Orange ] [ Green ] [ Blue ] [ Green ] [ Yellow ] [ Green ] [ Red ] [ Green ] [ Green + Red ] [ Red + Yellow ] [ Green + Red ] [ Yellow + Blue ] [ Green + Red ] [ Blue + Orange ] [ Green + Red ] [ Yellow + Blue ] [ Green + Red ] [ Red + Yellow ] [ Green + Red ] [ Green + Yellow ]
green chilly always good for health instead of red.
same as the green ones. the red colour is in addition to the photosynthetic green not instead.
it means your xbox is dead or it is not fully pluged in
Well, I remember when it was in green BOTTLES, but not green cans.
red is the jolly of the holiday and green is the spirt
It depends what you mean: If you mean should people refer to it as just 'red ring', then the answer is no, as it doesn't emphasise the way that it causes the Xbox to effectivfely 'die', meaning that it is no longer usable. Additionally, 'red ring' may be referring to the way that all four lights light up red when the output is not connected to any device (e.g. the Xbox 360 is not plugged into a TV). If you are asking whether Microsoft should stop the red ring from causing the Xbox 360 to stop working, you have been misinformed. The red ring doesn't actually cause the Xbox 360 to break. Instead it is a side-effect or a warning message as a result of a problem with the Xbox 360.
No, yellow does not absorb green and red light. Instead, yellow reflects or transmits a mixture of red and green wavelengths, which our eyes perceive as the color yellow.
Your cords in the back are not connected well or your XBox is dieing.
The red ring means your Xbox has encountered an error or it has been hacked.
Because you took it apart instead of simply changing power outlets!