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You should call microsoft, the number is 1-800-4MY-XBOX

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Q: Can you fix Xbox 360 if the green circle turns red and blinks buts console doesnt work?
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Is there a monster that glows green and blinks red?

Red eyes green dragon.

How do you dig something up with the metal detector on sims 2?

if its for ps2 when u first grab it a blinking blue circle will appear around it when that circle turns green and blinks faster press the X button and u will have the dig option

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It blinks to tell you it is charging.

Why does the bh 503 blink green light when charging?

It blinks to tell you it is charging.

How do you fix a vectron wave if it blinks red and green at the same time while charging?

Low batteries change them..

Why does the sun glow green?

It doesnt..

How do you turn off the Xbox 360 safely?

There are two easy ways of turning of your console. One is to press the green circle button on the actual console (the same button that tells you how many controllers you have connected). Another is to hold the home button (the Xbox logo in the center of your controller) for three seconds until a menu pops up asking if you want to turn of your controller or the console itself. In this case, select "Turn Off Console".

What does the clear circle mean and the green circle mean on Facebook chat?

green means available. clear means idle.

What level does chansey on leaf green evoulve?

it doesnt evolve in leaf green

What brand name starts with w and has a green circle?

the green w's

On Facebook if the circle is green they're online but what about if the circle is not colored in?

Then they're...... not..... online?

Why doesnt mushrooms have any green leaves?

They do not have green leaves because they are in the Fungi kingdom.