This is usually caused by not having a high enough badge level. You need to defeat one or more gym leaders to increase the maximum level you can command. This is not necessary for Pokemon you have caught and raised yourself, but only for Pokemon gained in trade.
Charizard starts obeying Ash in the Orange League episode titled "Charizard Chills."
As you earn gym badges, your Pokemon obey you up to a higher and higher level. (i.e. lvl. 20, then lvl. 50, etc.). Your starter Pokemon will NOT automatically obey your every word if you level it up to a level that is higher than your gym badges allow (as far as obeying you goes). In other words, your starter Pokemon is really nothing special. I really hope that made sense.
In Pokemon their is options to trade Pokemon and u may have a high lvl Pokemon u want on the different game u want the Pokemon on. But during the certain time of the game u need to proceed into the game like beating the gym leaders. But if u trade the Pokemon like lvl 100 to a game were ur only at the 2nd gym, the Pokemon will disobay ur orders and ull get a message saying "ur Pokemon is loffing around" etc.
the idiom:To carry out orders
For which game? Pokemon Red Pokemon Blue Pokemon Yellow Pokemon Gold Pokemon Silver Pokemon Crystal Pokemon Sapphire Pokemon Ruby Pokemon FireRed Pokemon LeafGreen Pokemon Emerald Pokemon Diamond Pokemon Pearl
obeying orders are conditioned reflexes
The verb for obedient is obey.Other verbs are obeys, obeying and obeyed.Some examples are:"You will obey my orders"."He obeys his master"."Obeying his commander, he shoots"."I obeyed my orders".
The verb for obedient is obey.Other verbs are obeys, obeying and obeyed.Some examples are:"You will obey my orders"."He obeys his master"."Obeying his commander, he shoots"."I obeyed my orders".
better chance of Pokemon obeying you!
We are all responsible for our actions, whether obeying orders or not.
The verb for obedient is obey.Other verbs are obeys, obeying and obeyed.Some examples are:"You will obey my orders"."He obeys his master"."Obeying his commander, he shoots"."I obeyed my orders".
obeying my superior orders and doing the given task completely and perfectly
No you'll be able to commmand them just fine... when i first got it i was able to control my lvl 100 darkrai and 85 palkia so you should be okay :P
By encouraging Rikki, distracting the snakes, and obeying his orders.
Sometimes the term "Nuremberg principle" is used for the legal principle that obeying orders does not allow one to commit crimes.
Pokemon never stop obeying you. No matter what level. My Infernape is a level 86 and is still obeying me. The real question is what level do they start obeying you? If you caught a Pokemon yourself, it will never stop obeying you. If you obtain a Pokemon from another person through trade, that's another story. It depends on how many Gym Badges you have. The more badges you have, the higher the level will grow that Pokemon will obey you at. Yah I forgot about if you got the from a link trade because I have 8 gym badges so they all obey me. Which game do you have send me a message. I have pearl.
they will disobey orders