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As you earn gym badges, your Pokemon obey you up to a higher and higher level. (i.e. lvl. 20, then lvl. 50, etc.). Your starter Pokemon will NOT automatically obey your every word if you level it up to a level that is higher than your gym badges allow (as far as obeying you goes). In other words, your starter Pokemon is really nothing special. I really hope that made sense.

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Q: Does your starter Pokemon always obey you?
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I cant believe no one's answered this NO! That is not happening! The only Pokemon that will obey you pst you're level limit is your starter

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Always level 5

In Pokemon emerald what badge lets Pokemon obey you?

These are the Gym Badges that make your Pokemon obey:Knuckle Badge: Pokemon up to level 30 obey you.Heat Badge: Pokemon up to level 50 obey you.Feather Badge: Pokemon up to level 70 obey you.Rain Badge: All Pokemon regardless of their level will obey you.

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ex.quilava like its free if your or that's your starter Pokemon you can just evolve it because starter level is always 15 you can just evolve

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chicorita, totodile, and cyndaquil just like always The game takes place in the Jhoto region so the starter Pokemon you can get are chikorita, tododile, and cyndaquil.

Why wont the Pokemon you traded in Pokemon Diamond obey your commands?

Badges allow Pokemon obey to a certain level. Once you get all badges, any traded Pokemon will obey at any level.

How do you make pokemon obey?

Once you beat a gym leader you can get a certain level of pokemon to obey you.

Who is the strongest starter Pokemon?

Well, it depends on what game but the fire Pokemon always has the strongest stats but it depends on your playing style

Can Pokemon obey you from trades?

It depends in which Pokemon game, but in the newest games (Diamond/Pearl) You will need to earn badges to get a higher level for them to obey. if you have all 8, all Pokemon will obey you.

How do you get all Pokemon to obey you in Pokemon Leaf Green?

Simply beat Giovanni in Viridian City and get the Earthbadge: it makes all Pokemon obey you.ORAll Pokemon obey you, the badges are for Pokemon traded from other games.