back in your house you can only get it in the first hour of playing
you go back to your PC with your name on it, go to ball capsules, and then press "a" on the capsule with the Pokemon in it and finnaly, press a on remove
lol do u know what Pokemon is? xD just weaken a Pokemon and throw a pokeball great ball ultra ball or master ball at him
The difference between these balls in Pokemon is the likelihood that you will catch a Pokemon with each. A master ball theoretically gives you 100% chance of catching the Pokemon, but all the rest depend on how strong the Pokemon is, and on the percentage for that particular ball. The pokeball is the least likely, then the great ball, then the ultra ball. (Then the master ball, which is the best of all.) In some of the Pokemon games there are additional types of balls that are better at catching certain types of Pokemon.
There is no Light Ball item in Pokemon Yellow.
no u loose it :0
no you cannot even you realese it. It is also cruel to release a Pokemon . no you can not get your pokeball back unless you have a mystery gameshark code
you could save before getting it, get the master ball, have a Pokemon hold it, trade that Pokemon, turn game off then back on, get another master ball, and trade Pokemon back.
No, you don't get it back.
No, you cannot.
Yes, you can trade Pokemon with ball capsules. If you get your Pokemon back, your capsule will be missing. It isn't gone, it's in your PC box.
You cant
Yes. It is possible to release Lapras back to its family in Pokemon Ash Gray.
I'm Sorry But Once You Release A Pokemon, You Can't Catch It Again.
You have to beat the 8th gym and then go back to the museum
back in your house you can only get it in the first hour of playing
You can get Master ball at where the Team Aqua hide out is. You should be able to get into a room with for item balls. the two in the front is Pokemon the two at the back is a master ball and nugget.