Ya it you can but itll take a while ive been doing 20 spots a day and havnt even seen a single NEPTOONA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You don't get bait, you just need to have the Big Catch Lure and have already caught a Rusty Swordfish and shown it to the Old Wayfarer. After that, large swordfish symbols will appear on the map, and in those places you'll have a chance at catching Neptoona. Just be aware that the swordfish symbols appear randomly, and it won't always be Neptoona there.
Yes, you can save the game before you catch it. but if you already saved it and the legendary is gone, then you can't catch it. if it is a Pokemon ranger game then you can catch it again
he disappears you cannot catch him again if you do that
no all you have to do is right click the trap and click lay and it automatically lays the trap again and it will catch a bird if you are a starter go to feldip hills and catch crimson swifts
Yes you can catch it again all you have to do is beat the elite four again and it will return to where you found it, but i know this workes in Pokemon Heartgold and SoulSliver but i dont know if it will work in older games.
i dont know because i have it for ds but i have never found or caught neptoona. try searching on google. www.google.com.
Catch neptoona find swordsman scroll find extra heart containers find spirit gems Complete the game again ive done it 8 times
You don't get bait, you just need to have the Big Catch Lure and have already caught a Rusty Swordfish and shown it to the Old Wayfarer. After that, large swordfish symbols will appear on the map, and in those places you'll have a chance at catching Neptoona. Just be aware that the swordfish symbols appear randomly, and it won't always be Neptoona there.
Neptoona will show up on your map as a fish shadow that looks identical to a swordfish shadow.
Catching Neptoona is not easy. You have more chance with the bait (Obtained by showing a rusty swordfish to Adventerer) While sailing you will see 2 kinds of fish icon, one that looks normal And one that has a sharp point. Get near the sharp fish icon and press Fish If it is Neptoona, it will be Blue, Big point, Pattern on back, and look big. Hope this helps Catching Neptoona is not easy. You have more chance with the bait (Obtained by showing a rusty swordfish to Adventerer) While sailing you will see 2 kinds of fish icon, one that looks normal And one that has a sharp point. Get near the sharp fish icon and press Fish If it is Neptoona, it will be Blue, Big point, Pattern on back, and look big. Hope this helps
After you catch a Skippyjack, go back to theOld Wayfarer and then go catch a Toona.Once you catch the Toona, return to the Old Wayfarer again and your next targetwill be the Loovar. After you catch all three of those fish, visit the OldWayfarer once more and he'll give you the Big Catch Lure. Now you can catch thelast three fish, but they're harder to catch and they're much bigger. Once youcatch the Rusty Swordfish, take it to the Old Wayfarer to get a Ship Part.Catch the Neptoona he mentions to you, then take it to him and he'll give you aHeart Container. Finally, catch the Stowfish and take it to him to get anotherShip Part. Here's a list of the six types of fish in the game.so get an heart continer!
Miss Me Again - 1925 was released on: USA: 2 August 1925
"Again, Again, Again" by Miss Darkisha
No...unless you defeated the Latios...
Yes, you can save the game before you catch it. but if you already saved it and the legendary is gone, then you can't catch it. if it is a Pokemon ranger game then you can catch it again
theres a: Skippyjack Toona Loovar Rusty Swordfish Neptoona Stowfish and that's it
it equals poo