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yes! you will be taken to prison

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Q: If you hack a horseland account will you get in trouble?
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How can you hack horseland to get money?

It's on a non-explaining basis. Hacking cannot be explained. It has something to do with programs, but if you want to hack Horseland, DON'T. You could get in trouble and be kicked off of Horseland. But if you are really bold enough, learn about computers and hack it yourself at your own risk...

How do you hack a horseland account?

Hahaha! Thinking of hacking someone? Well I've got your answer right here! (Just keep reading!)First you need to open Google and type in K14539F814WF8NThen, click on the first one that shows up. Make sure you typed it correctly, because it doesn't work if you copy paste it. (Remember, no cheating!)Then, scroll through the list of Horseland Things To Do (its on the page) and click the one that says Hack Account. Then, you type in the players name you want to hack in the first box, their number in the second, and click Search Player.Then a password should appear on the screen and it is their password you can use to hack into their account.NOTE:ALL OF THE ABOVE IS FAKEHACKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON HORSELAND AND IM MAKING SURE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ANYONE ON HORSELAND. QUIT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO HACK BECAUSE ITS NOT RIGHT FOR ALL THOSE INNOCENT HORSELAND PLAYERS, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN. I am trying to help the horseland moderators and community to keep hackers OUT of horseland.

How do you hack horseland accounts?

Hahaha! Thinking of hacking someone? Well I've got your answer right here! (Just keep reading!)First you need to open Google and type in K14539F814WF8NThen, click on the first one that shows up. Make sure you typed it correctly, because it doesn't work if you copy paste it. (Remember, no cheating!)Then, scroll through the list of Horseland Things To Do (its on the page) and click the one that says Hack Account. Then, you type in the players name you want to hack in the first box, their number in the second, and click Search Player.Then a password should appear on the screen and it is their password you can use to hack into their account.NOTE:ALL OF THE ABOVE IS FAKEHACKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON HORSELAND AND IM MAKING SURE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN TO ANYONE ON HORSELAND. QUIT TRYING TO FIGURE OUT HOW TO HACK BECAUSE ITS NOT RIGHT FOR ALL THOSE INNOCENT HORSELAND PLAYERS, ESPECIALLY CHILDREN. I am trying to help the horseland moderators and community to keep hackers OUT of horseland.Read more: How_do_you_hack_a_horseland_account

How do you delete your horseland account?

You cant.

How do you make a zebra you can ride on horseland?

Hacking, don't hack it's bannable.

How can you cheat on Horseland?

Horseland used to be filled of ways to cheat from it. But horseland keeps updating and fixing those problems. Any more questions? message me on my account 6315696

How do you cancel your horseland account?

Sorry, it's impossible. If you no longer use the account change the name to "QUIT" so everyone who sees it knows you no longer are a part of horseland.

Does Selena Gomez have a horseland account?

she has proof but more likely its not her

How do you create a horseland world account?

in google search type in 'horseland world' then click on the first thing. click on sign up, and fill in the details

How do you hack a feral heart account?

You would not hack into this account. It is not legal or ethical to hack into any account that is not yours.

Does Nick Jonas have a horseland account?

yes he pretends that his name is James :p