Chat with our AI personalities is one
/help /tell /whisper /admin (won't work unless admin[obviously]) /teleport
6 Is Age
there is no golden knight
That is subjective and a personal opinion
Itani doesn't have a password because he didn't make a account yet
becues we can make god mode and do anything but there is one thing to do for me can you do it i want to hack someone ps3 account can you help me becues i want to hack becues he allways hack my account please can you help. is one
You cannot get a Mebership in Realm of the Mad God
You can by using a Cheat of Some Sort, whcih will get you BANNED.
There is No totem Portal in Realm of The Mad God
The underworld, the realm of the dead.
He is the god of the underworld.
Realm of the Mad God is a free-to-play MMORPG. However, you do have to pay for realm gold, the in-game currency, if you want convienence, like dungeon keys instead of finding them, backpacks instead of another account to store, and loot drop and loot tier potions instead of sinking more time into this game.
I would advise not cheating in Realm of the Mad God. If you get caught you could possibly be banned.
Realm of the Mad God was created in 2010-01.
The god of fire