Yup its also possible to get a lv100 mR MIme by trading it a lv 1oo Abra
know one will give u that height lvl account but i have a lvl 20 interesting add darfighter =) lol
Lvl. 20
I don't know if there really is a TM for magical leaf. But I know that Mr. Mime learns magical leaf. You must trade an Abra for Mr.Mime in the house on route 3. There is only one Mr. Mime in the games LeafGreen and FireRed. Magical Leaf: Power 60, Accuracy 100, P.P 20 (If i rember correctly)
Lvl 20, dude. :)
Ralts > lvl 20 > Kirlia > lvl 30 > GardevoirorRalts > lvl 20 > Kirlia (Male) > Dawn Stone > Gallade
learn copy cat
know one will give u that height lvl account but i have a lvl 20 interesting add darfighter =) lol
give me ur account
Monsters starting from lvl 20 and above drop eggs and also, you too must be lvl 20. Starting from this lvl, your chances of getting eggs are very slim. As you gain lvl and fight higher lvl monsters, your chances increases. At lvl 50, you should get eggs very frequently.
You just have to level him up or until lvl 21.
lvl 20
Lvl. 20
I don't know if there really is a TM for magical leaf. But I know that Mr. Mime learns magical leaf. You must trade an Abra for Mr.Mime in the house on route 3. There is only one Mr. Mime in the games LeafGreen and FireRed. Magical Leaf: Power 60, Accuracy 100, P.P 20 (If i rember correctly)
In the Hoenn region.
Lvl 20, dude. :)
i think for now is level 20