I don't know if there really is a TM for magical leaf. But I know that Mr. Mime learns magical leaf. You must trade an Abra for Mr.Mime in the house on route 3. There is only one Mr. Mime in the games LeafGreen and FireRed.
Magical Leaf: Power 60, Accuracy 100, P.P 20 (If i rember correctly)
Magical Leaf isn't a TM.
For the TM I'm not sure you should probably cheat but if you want a Pokemon catch a grass/phsycic.
Since that's not a TM you need to captrue a Pokemon that can learn that move like Roselia.
There is no such TM called horn drill.
there is no TM at all that contains leaf blade
Magical Leaf isn't a TM.
For the TM I'm not sure you should probably cheat but if you want a Pokemon catch a grass/phsycic.
Since that's not a TM you need to captrue a Pokemon that can learn that move like Roselia.
There is no such TM called horn drill.
there is no TM at all that contains leaf blade
It is not an TM.
Leaf Blade - Level 71Dig (Against Fire-Types) - TM/Magical Leaf - Level 36Swords Dance (Used before Leaf Blade to boost attack) - Level 78/Grasswhistle - Level 57Cut - HM
You need to breed with tropius with razor leaf so the baby will have razor leaf. There is none.
There is no Tm trick in leaf green
Turtwig is able to learn Razor Leaf at level 13.
Kirlia CANNOT learn Magical Leaf in R/S/E but in D/P/Plat it learns Magical Leaf on Lv22.