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no i would say yes just because they are not hitting puberty doesn't mean they won't stop being tough -3001022 the first answer is correct like chimchar if it dosent evolve into monifro it cant learn mach punch?? puperty dosent have to do anything!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Not evolving your pokemon has one distinct advantage and that is learning certain moves that the evolved form can't learn or that it will learn but at a higher level then the preevolved form. Evolving also has an advantage and that is for some pokemon you can teach more moves because it has become a new type or it has grown wings or claws so that it can learn certain moves like slash, fly or something else.

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Q: If you dont evolve a pokemon will it still learn the same moves?
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Yes, Pokemon of all stages can still learn moves.

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Can Pokemon who evolve by stones learn new moves?

Of course, it's pretty obvious if you ask me.

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Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.

If you evolve a Pikachu that knows volt tackle will it still know the move once it evolves?

Yes. Evolving any Pokemon does not get rid of any of the moves it currently knows, unless the level-up also comes with the option to learn a new one and you choose to forget one. However, please note that once you use the Thunderstone to evolve Pikachu, you can no longer learn moves by levelling it up; Raichu does not learn any moves by levelling up, only by TM.

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In the end, it makes no difference, stat increases are retroactive. Boldore learns moves faster if you evolve it later, but Gigalith will still learn the same moves later on.

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Use a waterstone on your poliwhirl to evolve it into a poliwrath. However, it is suggested that you wait until your poliwhirl is level 53 to evolve it because that's when it learns its last move. Your poliwrath will not learn Mind Reader or Dynamic Punch by level, but those moves can still be remembered at the move tutor.

What Pokemon evolve from the firestone?

Growlithe evolves into Arcanine, Vulpix evolves into Nintetails, and eevee evolves into Flareon. Note that once evolved, Arcanin and Ninetails don't learn any moves by level up so you'll have to keep them at vulpix/growlithe to learn moves by level up although you can still teach them tms.

Can trapinch still learn dig after evolution?

yes any pokemon that evoles still has its old moves unless the only way a pokemon moves can change is if u change them when the game asks if you want to change the moves or with items for example ( TM 01 cut)

Pokemon Colosseum action replay will the Pokemon still evolve?

no it wont evolveno it wont evolve

In Pokemon when you evolve a shiny Pokemon will it still be shiny?
