No Pokemon can learn more than four moves.
Pokemon will not learn moves while being raised in the daycare center. They will keep the same set of moves that you put them into the daycare with. However, moves that were missed can still be relearned through the move tutor.
Ninetales and gulpin have like 20 moves each by leveling, starter pokemon also learn many moves by leveling A pokemon can learn better moves if you neglect evolving it for a while, vulpix can learn inferno at level 50 if you can hold out on giving it a fire stone until the . (Inferno is a great move)
It can usually learn egg moves. They are moves they get from there mum and dad Pokemon such as volt tackle, which can be gained when giving a light orb to the father Pikachu before breeding.
Yes, Pokemon of all stages can still learn moves.
force palm,aura sphere,sesmic toss (if able to learn) and close combat (if able to learn)
no, arceus is a Pokemon that can learn a lot of moves, he can even learn fly but there are many moves that he cannot learn. the only Pokemon that can learn all moves is mew...
No Pokemon can learn more than four moves.
A pokemon can only learn 4 moves at a time. However there is a move teacher that can teach your pokemon moves it forgot as long as it is in the 4 move limit.
normal types can learn just about any movenormal types can learn just about any moveActually, normal types can NOT learn all moves. For example, Glameow, the normal pokemon, can not learn any dragon type moves.
It depends... a Fire Pokemon learns a lot of burning moves, the water pokemons, water moves...
Heart scales should work
In all Pokemon videogames, Pokemon only learn four moves. When you want your Pokemon to learn a new move, you must delete one of the four existing moves. In the anime (TV Show) Pokemon seem to have more than four moves, but forget the ones that they don't use over time.
in l.v"s
That isn't a pokemon.