Just sitting there? No. On or off, it should not be bad. It only spins the disc when needed. However, if you plan on moving or transporting the PS3, take out the disc just as a precaution to damaging the mechanism with a bump.
Battlefield Bad Company 2
No it is a PC game and not a PS3 game
lair, the worst ps3 game.
The PS3 will not play PC games and PC game Mods will not mod a PS3 game.
mario super bros :) It's not even a PS3 game
on the box of my battlefield bad company 2 for my PS3 game is rated M for Mature!
The disc needs to be in while you are playing the game
Battlefield Bad Company 2
bad ps3 or too much to load, or maybe the memory inside the disk had a fault.
No it is a PC PS3 Xbox 360 game and will not be a PS2 game
There's no one yu gi oh game on ps3....it's bad but I hope there's coming ....
Yes there is a multiplayer mode for the game that was released for the PS3 on June 4 2010. see related link
No it is a PC game and not a PS3 game
No, the PS3 slim does not come with a game.
lair, the worst ps3 game.
Yes, there is a game called sleeping dogs, you should check it out on youtube.
Yes it is a good PS3 game and not a great PS3 game according to the ratings see related link