Go to the BC page and then pick the type of BC and then fill out all the information.
Read more: robloxFree Account (NBC)Builders Club (BC)Turbo Builders Club (TBC)Outrageous Builders Club (OBC)Active Places11025100Daily ROBUXNone15 R$35R$60 R$Cost Monthly ($)$0.00$5.95$11.95$19.95Sell StuffNoYesYesYesSee Off-site AdsYesNoNoNoVirtual HatNoneBC HatTBC HatOBC HatBonus Gear ItemNoYesYesYesSigning BonusNone100 R$100 R$100 R$Create GroupsNoYes (10)Yes (20)Yes (100)Join GroupsYes (5)Yes (10)Yes (20)Yes (100)Create BadgesNoYesYesYesBC Beta FeaturesNoYesYesYesLive video cast with RobloxNoNoNoYesBC Only GamesNoYesYesYes
No, Builders Club actually costs money. If you go on the website and click on the Builder's Club tab on the website you can see the many prices there are for Builder's Club, Turbo Builder's Club, and for the Outrageous Builder's Club.
You cannot get free Builder's Club, you have to buy it.
Yes, Builder's club is $5.95 per month, Turbo Builder's Club costs $11.95 per month, and Outrageous Builders Club costs $19.95 a month. There are also options to purchase longer terms of Builder's club. For more information, see the Roblox website. If you don't have enough dollars in your bank account, you can transport your money in a mail package to ROBLOX HQ then they'll active your Builder's Club activation.And i swear i wish it was free!
yes, i did, did you?
If you have the Monthly Builders Club, then Yes.
No, Builders Club actually costs money. If you go on the website and click on the Builder's Club tab on the website you can see the many prices there are for Builder's Club, Turbo Builder's Club, and for the Outrageous Builder's Club.
You cannot get free Builder's Club, you have to buy it.
Well they can't make you Builder's Club but they can pay for your Builder's Club and they can give you a Builder's Club account if they tell you the username and password.
There's no such thing as loyalty builder's club. Loyalty is how many days you are in Builder's club, and it adds to your daily robux.
Either your credit card ran out of money or you canceled your Builder's Club.
Yes, Builder's club is $5.95 per month, Turbo Builder's Club costs $11.95 per month, and Outrageous Builders Club costs $19.95 a month. There are also options to purchase longer terms of Builder's club. For more information, see the Roblox website. If you don't have enough dollars in your bank account, you can transport your money in a mail package to ROBLOX HQ then they'll active your Builder's Club activation.And i swear i wish it was free!
yes, i did, did you?
you Can't get Free Builders Club Just Buy it
Yes,but Builder's club and robux aren't so if you want to be a Builder's Club or earn robux you got to pay.
If you have the Monthly Builders Club, then Yes.
i need builder club