In order to activate the Rooftop Sale on the roof of the Lilycove Department Store you need to have beaten the Elite Four, and it appears randomly. A helpful tip to find these random occasions you need to check in with the Pokemon News Station.
4: Berry master is in Lilycove (blend the best berries), Rooftop sale in Lilycove (buy worthless decorations for base), Energy Guru sale in slateport (half price protein/iron/etc.!), and appreciation day at the mauville game corner (improves odds in all of the games)
After you beat the elite four, wait till the tv in a random person's house flashes. It could be the rooftop sale. Then if it is wait two days and watch the tv again and go to lilycove department store!
It isn't about the date and stuff... but it will say on the tv sometimes....
They are only available at the special sales in the Lilycove Department Store. They are held at the rooftop. To find out when those sales are occurring, watch the televisions inside of houses. It will tell you how many days are left until the sale occurs.
They arent for sale, you can only find some.
Yes, about once a week at 6pm on the roof of Lilycove Department. To unlock them, you have to watch an advert for them on the TVs which appear randomly. At the sales you can buy wooden planks to cover holes in secret bases.
Any tv tells you when the sale is on but only after you have beaten the Pokemon league. Also the sale is only on at certain times. Hope this helps.
lilycove megamart (clear out - sale)
One can buy Pokemon Ruby online from Amazon, eBay. Offline, you can purchase it from Best Buy, Staples, Canadian Tire, The Bay and Sears. Kijiji also will have this type of item on sale.
Max and Ruby - 2002 Ruby's Lemonade Stand Ruby's Rummage Sale Ruby's Magic Act 1-12 was released on: USA: November 2002
4: Berry master is in Lilycove (blend the best berries), Rooftop sale in Lilycove (buy worthless decorations for base), Energy Guru sale in slateport (half price protein/iron/etc.!), and appreciation day at the mauville game corner (improves odds in all of the games)
yes, however they are quite hard to find as the gameboy advances production has stopped if u have no luck try looking in the second hand shops or amazon or eBay
Fresh water, soda pop, and lemonade of course these are in a vending machine. Sometimes there is also a secret base decoration sale that is advertised on TV. More rare types are sold.
Nothing, you just sale it.
List them on Ebay.
Why would you want to, you could miss that one day that the market is having it's super-sale or that one day that the man in pacifidlog town says that he sees mirage island or something.
They appear to be for sale now.