you do the event with kyogre and groudon battle then go to the left side of sootopolis and steven will be there then he will take you to the cave of origin. Wallace is in there then you go to the sky pillar where rayquaza is
Steven isn't in Meteor Falls, since he's the champion. Steven is only in Meteor Falls in Emerald version.
You get it from Steven in Mossdeep city.
After you beat the League and go to steven's house and there is a pokeball on the table.It has a beldum inside it.
I believe you can get the rematch with Steven in emerald by battling the Elite four again.After that you can battle Steven.
...... stewen in emerald isn't a elite champion. there is wallace.
its actually steven who gets you into the cave of origin, and Wallace can be found inside
Steven isn't in Meteor Falls, since he's the champion. Steven is only in Meteor Falls in Emerald version.
You get it from Steven in Mossdeep city.
In Mossdeep City, Steven will give it to you.
After you beat the League and go to steven's house and there is a pokeball on the table.It has a beldum inside it.
I believe you can get the rematch with Steven in emerald by battling the Elite four again.After that you can battle Steven.
You can get in once Steven and Wallace grants you the permission
Go to the top-left corner of Mosdeep city and go inside the house. There's Steven, who will notice you and give it to you
deap inside the place where lunatone and solrock are, basically where u fight steven
you can get in that cave when you get a notice from Steven saying that there been wierd stuff going on and then you get to in there to catch your legendary pokemon(depends on the game but not with emerald you do something differrent then )
no he is in meteor falls srry 4 spelling errors if there is some
VERY DEEP in meteor falls you will fight him