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He was born out of an egg

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Q: How was Arceus created?
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Arceus In Super Smash BrosBrawl?

There is not an arceus trophy, and arceus was created after brawl, so arceus is not in brawl

Is the Pokemon Arceus a ledenary?

Arceus is a legendary. It created Dialga and Palkia. Arceus is one of the biggest even Darkrai

Who is the Pokemon god Arceus?

arceus is the Pokemon who created the universe with its 1000 arms

When was the Pokemon Arceus made?

Sinnoh legends say Arceus was the one who created the universe, no-one created it, it kind of always existed.

Can you get Arceus on pokemon emrald?

It was not created at the time.

Is Arceus the creation of all legendary?

arceus created all Pokemon so if that's the answer to your question then good

Who was the first Pokemon ever mede?

Arceus, soon Arceus created the world and all other pokemon.

What is Arceus on Pokemon?

Arceus is the greatest Pokemon in history. He created everything including Dialga, Palkia and Giratina.

Which Pokemon is the strongest Arceus or Kyuren?

Arceus is generally picked to be stronger, because of how it created all of the Pokèmon world.

Did Arceus create other beings other than dialga plakia mesprit azelf and uxie?

NO.(Arceus is a CHUMP). :) Arceus also created Arcuri, Giratina, and Mew.

Did arces create girtina Palkia and digala?

I say yes because Arceus was the one who created the worlds, Time and Space. If Arceus had the power to create Time and Space, then I'm pretty sure it created the Reverse World. So, creating worlds would also create the pokemon! Look at Diagla's, Palkia's, and Arceus's face. They all look alike. I say that Arceus created the three legendary pokemon. I'm not sure about Giratina, but I'm positive Arceus created it.

Which Pokémon created the Pokémon world?

Arceus created the Pokemon world. It hatched out of an egg in the middle of nowhere where there was nothing but chaos, and then created the world. For more info, check out the library in Canalave city (third floor). Note:In Canalave's library, Arceus is referred to as "The Original One" mew created arceus and areus created everything else