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Q: How to attain achievement points evony?
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Where is the achievement interface in evony?

Once you log into evony and it all loads up, Go to bottom right corner of the screen and click achieve

What xbox360 game has the most achievement points?

One of them i know is terminater salvation because its highest achievement points is up to 180 bye

What is the reward for the achievement of selling 50 casinos in Mafia Wars?

You get the achievement reward but no points

What are achievement points used for?

nothing they just show how good you are

Perfect dark zero xbox 360 achievement glitch?

I've completed the game in Agent achievement points for it!

Do you lose your offline Xbox achievement points when connecting to Xbox live?


On wow what do you use achievement points for?

Nothing. they are strictly for vanity purposes.

When did Evony happen?

Evony happened in 2009.

Will there be a new Evony?

Evony age II is now out.

How do you buy stuff with Xbox achevment points?

Achievement points are just for bragging rights. They cannot be used to buy anything.

Is there a reward for completing all achievements in world of warcraft?

There is currently no reward for completing all achievements, nor can you spend achievement points on rewards. That said, those who managed to get 9001 or more achievement points get a special achievement called "It's over 9000!", which is a reference to a popular internet meme.

How do you get the katana in Halo 3?

you need to get 1000+ achievement points from halo 3