it is the strongest because it has 20 lives and can hold babies chocolat and rats
Uhh, dude Flygon simply can't fly to a legendary pokemon.
The strongest dragon type in pokemon Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby, is the legendary pokemon Rayquaza. In terms of non-legendary pokemon, both salamance and flygon are strong dragon types.
well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!
there is of course rayquaza. There is also vibrava and flygon.
Flygon is from the Hoenn region.
i don't think flygon is in soul siver or heart gold but you can get a trapinch and raise it to a flygon in Pokemon ruby,Sapphire,and emerald
Flygon is a dragon/ground type pokemon. It evolves from Vibrava, which evolves from Trapinch.
Uhh, dude Flygon simply can't fly to a legendary pokemon.
There is no wild Flygon in Pokemon Emerald. The only way to get one is to evolve your Trapinch into a Vibaba and evolve that into a Flygon. Trapinch is in the desert in of Pokemon emerald.
Unfortunately the only way to get a Flygon in Pokemon Ruby is by catching a Trapinch and evolving it into a Vibrava and then a Flygon.
get a trapinch and evolve him into flygon [trapinch found on route 111]
Trapinch evolves to vibrava, then again into... Flygon YAY! lol
The strongest dragon type in pokemon Emerald, Sapphire and Ruby, is the legendary pokemon Rayquaza. In terms of non-legendary pokemon, both salamance and flygon are strong dragon types.
well you cant get flygon immediately you need to catch first a vibrava and evolve him to flygon at level 45. Hope i helped!!
no u cannot
Flygon is #330 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ground-Dragon type Pokemon.