Crunch-80 chance at lowering defense
Night Slash-70 high critical hit chance
I think night slash because more Pokemon can learn slash but few can learn night slash if it weren't a TM
there is no night slash in diamond
Sceptile, to my knowledge, is incapable of learning Night Slash.
Absol learns the move Night Slash at level 41. Absol also learns the Psychic type version of Night Slash called Psycho Cut at level 47.
Gallade can learn night slash, but not by level up. To teach Gallade night slash the player most go to Pastoria city and go to the south part of the city then go into the house at the top right of the southern part of the city. There is a guy who can teach Gallade night slash for a heart scale and all other moves it learns before that. I hope that helped!
Sources say... Night Slash...
I think night slash because more Pokemon can learn slash but few can learn night slash if it weren't a TM
crash, thump, crunch, slash, whomp
there is no night slash in diamond
The moves that Sharpedo can use are Scary Face, Rage, Focus Energy, Leer, Feint, Bite, Night Slash, Swagger, Screech, Ice Fang, Assurance, Slash, Crunch, Aqua Jet, Agility, Taunt and Skull Bash.
In Pokémon Black and White, Grimsley's Pokémon consist of Liepard, Krookodile, Scrafty and Bisharp. The moves that Liepard know are Fake Out, Attract, Aerial Ace and Night Slash. Scrafty's moves are Crunch, Poison Jab, Brick Break and Sand-attack. Krookodile's moves are Foul Play, Crunch, Earthquake and Earthquake and Bisharp's moves are X-scissor, Night Slash, Aerial Ace and Metal Claw.
Sceptile, to my knowledge, is incapable of learning Night Slash.
Absol learns the move Night Slash at level 41. Absol also learns the Psychic type version of Night Slash called Psycho Cut at level 47.
Gallade can learn night slash, but not by level up. To teach Gallade night slash the player most go to Pastoria city and go to the south part of the city then go into the house at the top right of the southern part of the city. There is a guy who can teach Gallade night slash for a heart scale and all other moves it learns before that. I hope that helped!
Feint-0 Leer-0 Bite-0 Rage-0 Focus Energy-0 Rage-6 (if it starts with Focus Energy) Focus Energy-8 (if it starts with Rage) Scary Face-11 Ice Fang-16 Screech-18 Swagger-21 Assurance-26 Crunch-28 Slash-30 Aqua Jet-34 Taunt-40 Agility-45 Skull Bash-50 Night Slash-56
foul play
The cast of Before the Night - 2013 includes: Nick Anchondo as Chango Anthony Drinkwater as Anthony Tony Slash as Tony slash