it is the rarest shiny ever in history only one even close to that is shiny arceus
The shiny mew color is blue
yes you can but you have to clone a mew
To tell a shiny from a normal well... first a shiny will have a sparkle in battle and it is a brighter different colour then the original pokemon Example mew is pink shiny mew is blue.
It looks like Mew, only blue.
a mew is already shiny
The shiny mew color is blue
blue mew is a shiny version of mew so you have to be very lucky to catch a shiny Pokemon let alone a shiny mew
I have one. I also have many other legendaries like shiny Rayquaza and most of the Johto legendaries. I'll even trade them for rare Pokemon or rare If you want one answer the question what's your friend code and give me a time of trade.
yes you can but you have to clone a mew
anything will be traded for a mew shiny non shiny i would prefer regular mew but if your willing a shiny its ok too!my friend code is i don't know what it is right now but when i find my platinum ill post the code
i will be willing to give you my lv 100 shiny rare shaymin
Sorry but you cant get mew in heart gold,so I doubt you could get 'rare mew'.
Yes, there is a Shiny Mew but a Mew can only be generated as a Shiny in Pokémon Emerald due to it being found as an in-game Pokémon there on Faraway Island however only Japanese Mew are legit ones snce Nintendo never distributed the ticket to allow legit access to Faraway Island to Emerald gamers outside of Japan.
You need to go to the Nintendo event that has already passed, to get access to Mew. You need to catch mew, it is extremely rare to get a shiny mew. Another way is to simply use a Game shark or Action Replay code to encounter Shiny Pokemon
To tell a shiny from a normal well... first a shiny will have a sparkle in battle and it is a brighter different colour then the original pokemon Example mew is pink shiny mew is blue.