A shiny Pokémon is a Pokémon that has different colors to the norm. It is very rare to encounter one.
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
They aren't, they're just rare.
Very rare
A black Onix is a shiny Pokemon, which is extremely rare.
Yes, I believe so, but its very rare.
shiny Pokemon are rare you can find them almost any were but they are super rare
Shiny Pokemon can be anywhere, it is just very rare.
It is indeed. It is a shiny pokemon. Definitely rare.
You can find shiny Pokemon randomly through out the game.
it is a red garados (remember shiny Pokemon are rare)
Yes, it is possible to get a shiny Pokemon in HeartGold. Shiny Pokemon are extremely rare, and sometimes you may never encounter them in the game.
The red Gyarados (100%) because it is there and it is awesomely shiny any other Pokemon can be shiny too it's just too dang rare I SAID RARE NOT IMPOSSIBLE!!!!
i don't know but for shiny Pokemon look for the shiny patch of grass with the pokeradar
YES.i found a shiny tentacool.But they are very rare.
If the card is shiny, the Pokemon is a high level, or both then it is rare.
That Pokemon must be a shiny Pokemon, a shiny Pokemon is a very rare kind that has different colors than normal.
Anywhere, but they are rare.