You can find Lugia, the legendary dogs/ Suicune, Enti, and Raichu, and I think Ho-Ho
No, you cannot get Lugia on Pokemon Yellow.
You can't get Dark Lugia in Pokemon Silver, Gold, or Crystal. You can get Dark Lugia in Pokemon XD though. For Pokemon Silver, Gold, and Crystal it is just the regular Lugia.
If your asking what type he is then Lugia is Pshycic/Flying
dark Pokemon are
Rare Pokemon come randomly when you're in the grass or cave.
Its either lugia or dialga. no way its arcius
there are only 8 rare Pokemon in soul silver (articuno,zapdose,lugia,entay,hoho,rioku,moltress,suikune)
the rare Pokemon in fire red are the legendary Pokemon and there is only one of each. they are Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Mewtwo, Lugia, Ho-Oh and Deoxys
You can find Lugia, the legendary dogs/ Suicune, Enti, and Raichu, and I think Ho-Ho
ia Ho-Oh Lugia Entie Suicone Raiku and the red gyrados
entei,raikou,suicane,lugia,ho-oh etc
The legendaries that you can get are Ho-Oh and Lugia as well as the legendary dogs Entei, Raikou and Suicune.
the rare Pokemon u can get in leafgreen/fire red is sucince raikou entei aritcuno moltres zapdos mewtwo ho oh lugia and there might be more
Pokemon legends are about legends about rare and powerful Pokemon they say that whoever gets dialga and palkia and ho-ho lugia is unstoppable.
that's a real bad question
Most rare Pokemon are located in scattered area such as Suicune, Riakou, and Entei, but if you are looking for Ho-oh and Lugia they are located in distinct areas pertaining to your version of the game (HeartGold and SoulSilver).