The demoman was created when the game first came out. He is equal in age to all the other classes. His estimated "birth" year is 2007.
It isn't said but thought to be in his 40-50's
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
Try lowering your graphics settings.
The "Pyro" is a mysterious class, and not only its age, but gender and nationality, are shrouded in mystery.
Personally, my favorite class is Demoman.
Unlock the demoman milestone 3 achievement
As a matter of fact, there are official action figures at the valve store of Pyro and Demoman.
The cast of Meet the Demoman - 2007 includes: Gary Schwartz as Demoman
The Team Fortress 2 wiki page posted a link to a YouTube video that highlights ways to play the Demoman character well. What makes ME a good Demoman? IF I WERE A BAD DEMOMAN, I WOULDN'T BE SITTIN' HERE DISCUSSIN' IT WITH YA, NOW WOULD I?!
For the medic: crusaders crossbow and amputator. Scout: crit-a-cola, sandman/Boston basher demoman: silenced screen, bootlegger, eyelander also the splendid screen or the charge n targe
It isn't said but thought to be in his 40-50's
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
The Team Fortress 2 wiki page posted a link to a YouTube video that highlights ways to play the Demoman character well.See related links below for the video.
The Team Fortress 2 wiki page posted a link to a YouTube video that highlights ways to play the Demoman character well.See related links below for the video.
No, TF2 is not playable on a phone
TF2 is free-to-play