well, nobody knows how old he actually is, since he tricked the devil into making him immortal
It isn't said but thought to be in his 40-50's
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
Try lowering your graphics settings.
The "Pyro" is a mysterious class, and not only its age, but gender and nationality, are shrouded in mystery.
It is a custom font called "TF2." It also has the TF2 Medic and TF2 Build. Look on your tf/resource folder in Steam to get the fonts inside.
Play as a medic, get 100% Ubercharge, then right click.
As the medic, fill your ubercharge by healing teammates. when it is full, right click on an ally to deploy it.
It isn't said but thought to be in his 40-50's
Yes. TF2 is a GREAT game, and I recommend you "buy" it. TF2 is now free to Play.
No, TF2 is not playable on a phone
TF2 is free-to-play
No you cannot trade weapons for beta tf2 to normal tf2. Beta Tf2 is considered to be a completely different game by steam. Therefore the two game's inventories are not compatible.
The heavy's name in TF2 is Dimitri Stanlevkov.
Try lowering your graphics settings.
mw3 is awesome very awesome for awesome people and this stupid tf2, the gun suck, everything in tf2 is suckish. play mw3, mw3 is the best and tf2 are for noobs and losers