You cannot buy an Original Xbox One brand new, but the average cost for a new Xbox One S is around $300 and the Xbox One X is around $400
Right now, the original Xbox One is $230 on Amazon.
There are xbox originals on the marketplace. I forget how much they cost, but it's only a small handful of games that were from the original xbox. One that I can remember is gta San Andreas.
A one month Xbox live card costs $10 A three month Xbox live card costs $20 A 12 month + 1month Xbox live card costs $60
The store credit for an Xbox 360 controller is approximately $15.50. The controller must be the one with the standard battery pack not the rechargeable one.
It would cost about $12 to send an Xbox One to Norway from the USA.
The Xbox Sky is one of those things where the cost is a variable. One must already have a gold membership with Xbox. Then it a monthly payment to get the features that you want.
like £79.99
300 $
$100 down towards the system
1euro or 2 for the new one
Right now, the original Xbox One is $230 on Amazon.
they might not make one because how much it will cost and if it will sell
One would cost 2.40/16 = 0.15
It depends if you got a older xbox, a newer xbox, a 360, a regular one, a slim, a standard one, custom, not custom, the size of the gb of the hard drive, etc.
If ur talking about how much the original xbox cost, then ebay sell the new ones for $50-90, I guess, check it out yourself(: