An original Pokemon gold version that is in minted condition (meaning you haven't opened the box and it is undamaged) is worth 150 American dollars, however, a used version is barly worth 15 Dollars. Dont bother selling it.
You can't be serious???Do some research into the different regions and what Pokemon are available in each.AnswerIt is impossible to get a Jirachi in Gold version because that Pokemon was created after the game was released. It is a generation above the generations in Gold version and therefore cannot exist in the game - even with cheat devices.
No, Pokemon Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon. The next official Pokemon games are Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, remakes of the 2nd generation Gold and Silver versions.
its IPGE2D5118CA (soul silver) IPKE4DFFBF91 (heart gold)
I'm sorry, but Mamoswine didn't exist when Gold version came out so it is impossible to get unless there is some hack that makes Gen 4 Pokemon appear in the game.
The Shiny Suicune was a game stop event held before Pokemon black and whiter where releases. You had to get either suicune riakou or entei at the event of your Pokemon Pearl/diamond/platinum/soul silver/ or heart gold version, and then transfer them to your Pokemon black/white version.
The Pokemon Red version is worth $10.00 dollars. You can usually find them at a local Game Xchange or a local Game Stop.
You can't be serious???Do some research into the different regions and what Pokemon are available in each.AnswerIt is impossible to get a Jirachi in Gold version because that Pokemon was created after the game was released. It is a generation above the generations in Gold version and therefore cannot exist in the game - even with cheat devices.
Heal up at a Local Pokemon center
Yes, there will be a brand new 3D Pokemon game for DS in 2011 called Pokemon Black Version and White Version.
Yes, There Is The Games Names Are Pokemon HeartGold Version And Pokemon SoulSilver Version. They Are Remake's Of Pokemon Gold And Silver. They Are Going To Be For The Nintendo DS.
No, Pokemon Chaos Black is a hacked version of Pokemon. The next official Pokemon games are Pokemon Heart Gold and Soul Silver, remakes of the 2nd generation Gold and Silver versions.
Why? because shiny gold version is a hacked game, (not actually published by Pokemon company) the data is already curropted from the original version, and gameshark curoptets it even more, the game can't handle it.
You cannot. Shiny Gold is a modified version of Pokemon Gold made by a fan. They have placed them characters there as a placeholder until they update the game. To remove them you will need to check if a new version of the ROM has been released yet.
you have to go to the game corner and win it
U can , only if u have a gbc not gba
The three starters in Pokemon gold version are Chikorita, the grass type, Totodile, the water type, and cyndaquil.