I'm sorry, but Mamoswine didn't exist when Gold version came out so it is impossible to get unless there is some hack that makes Gen 4 Pokemon appear in the game.
The code for Mamoswine is POKEMONDOTCOM.
A Mamoswine evolves from a Piloswine which evolves from a Swinub.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
you can't get mamoswine in Pokemon leaf green because it doesn't exist in leaf green
Mamoswine doesn't evolve either way because it doesn't exist in Pokemon LeafGreen. It evolves from Piloswine who evolves from Swinub, but Piloswine can't evolve into Mamoswine in LeafGreen.
No Mamoswine is not a legendary Pokemon
To get Mamoswine, you must teach Piloswine Ancient Power through the move tutor. then level it up and you have your mamoswine it is the same with yanmega.
You need to have bought the special edition of the game, rather than the regular version.
You must evolve a Piloswine to have a Mamoswine.
The code for Mamoswine is POKEMONDOTCOM.
A Mamoswine evolves from a Piloswine which evolves from a Swinub.
that depends on what moves you teach it! =)
Mamoswine , he is now 1 of the hardest hitting Earthquaker. Id agree i have both and mamoswine is alot better than froslass
There is no GBA version of Gold Version, but there will be a DS version in March in the US.
Mamoswine (sometimes misspelled as Mamothswine) is an ice type of Pokémon. To get one in Pearl version you have to evolve a Piloswine.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
Mamoswine is #473 in the national pokedex, and it is a Ice-Ground type Pokemon.