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Ah I use Malefics myself, unfortunately none of the malefics are worth much. At most 3 dollars...

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Q: How much is a malefic blue eyes white dragon worth?
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What are all the cards related to Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Master Knight Kaibaman Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Paladin of White Dragon The White Stone of Legend White Dragon Ritual

How much is blue eyes white dragon the yugioh card worth?

blue eyes white dragon is worth $4.50- $6.00 depending on which version.

Can you use malefic blueCan you use malefic blue eyes white dragon to make blue eyes ultimate dragon becausen cyber end dragon can use all cyber dragon?

No, there's a difference between a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon monster' and a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon'. The first is any monster with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in the name, while the other is a card called, and only called "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon requires Blue-Eyes White Dragons only, not any variant. Likewise, Cyber End Dragon looks for "Cyber Dragon" not "Cyber Dragon monsters". You can only use cards called, and only called "Cyber Dragon". Note that Proto-Cyber Dragon has a name-changing effect that makes the card name into "Cyber Dragon" so does count and can be used for Cyber End Dragon. 'Cyber Dragon Zwei' also has an effect that also changes its name, though you need to pay a cost to do so. The whole point of these name-changing effects is so those cards can be used with Cyber Dragon's support cards, they would not normally be able to do so because they are not called, and only called "Cyber Dragon". Having Cyber Dragon in their names is not enough, as has been explained above.

What Dragons have relations to Blue Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.

What is the serial numbers of blue eyes white dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon: 89631139

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What are all of the malefic monsters in Yu-Gi-Oh?

1.malefic red eyes b. dragon 2.malefic-blue eyes white dragon 3.malefic parallel gear 4.malefic cyber end dragon 5.malefic rainbow dragon 6.malefic paradox dragon 7.malefic stardust dragon 8.malefic truth dragon. so that is a malefic monster.

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malefic red eyes b. dragon,malefic blue eyes white dragon,malefic parallel gear,malefic cyber end dragon,malefic rainbow dragon,junk gardna,malefic paradox dragon,malefic world, malefic claw stream <a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="videobb"/></a>

How many different versions or forms of blue eyes white dragon is there?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Dragon Master Knight (In a way)

What are all the cards related to Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Burst Stream of Destruction Dragon Master Knight Kaibaman Malefic Blue-Eyes White Dragon Paladin of White Dragon The White Stone of Legend White Dragon Ritual

How much is blue eyes white dragon the yugioh card worth?

blue eyes white dragon is worth $4.50- $6.00 depending on which version.

Can you use malefic blueCan you use malefic blue eyes white dragon to make blue eyes ultimate dragon becausen cyber end dragon can use all cyber dragon?

No, there's a difference between a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon monster' and a 'Blue-Eyes White Dragon'. The first is any monster with "Blue-Eyes White Dragon" in the name, while the other is a card called, and only called "Blue-Eyes White Dragon". Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon requires Blue-Eyes White Dragons only, not any variant. Likewise, Cyber End Dragon looks for "Cyber Dragon" not "Cyber Dragon monsters". You can only use cards called, and only called "Cyber Dragon". Note that Proto-Cyber Dragon has a name-changing effect that makes the card name into "Cyber Dragon" so does count and can be used for Cyber End Dragon. 'Cyber Dragon Zwei' also has an effect that also changes its name, though you need to pay a cost to do so. The whole point of these name-changing effects is so those cards can be used with Cyber Dragon's support cards, they would not normally be able to do so because they are not called, and only called "Cyber Dragon". Having Cyber Dragon in their names is not enough, as has been explained above.

What is the Best Malefic OTK Deck?

Well, my malefic deck has not been tested (thoroughly) and probably has a few flaws. Because of this, I will provide a good explanation for every card in the deck that might surprise you that it's in there. Here's the list: Monsters x16 an owl of luck (searches out malefic world) blue eyes white dragon x2 (allows for summoning of malefic blue eyes) breaker the magical warrior (can destroy spell and trap cards) earthbound immortal ccapac apu (goes good with the field spell "rule") exodius the ultimate forbidden lord (allows for re-use of cards) lava golem (clears opponent's field) malefic blue eyes white dragon x2 malefic parallel gear x2 malefic red eyes black dragon x2 red eyes black dragon (to summon malefic red eyes) sangan (to search out malefc parallel gear) vorse raider (for tribute for ccapac apu) spells x15 book of moon (allows for more than one "malefic" monster on the field) card destruction (can get rid of opponent's cards and helps with exodius) darkworld shackles (does damage to opponent) dark hole x2 (clears the field for a special summon and direct attack) enemy controller (allows for you to get rid of malefic red eyes and summon malefic blue eyes, etc) graceful charity (helps for drawing "malefic world") Mystical space typhoon (can destroy spell and trap cards) monster reborn (can re-summon cards) malefic world x3 terraforming x2 (searches out "malefic world) swords of revealing light (helps with "lava golem" traps x9 malefic claw stream x3 metal reflect slime (helps if you are low on monsters) mirror force (clears opponent's field for a direct attack) nightmare wheel (if your opponent summons a really powerful monster, this can take advantage of it) red screen (stalls if you don't have "malefic world" on the field) return from the different dimension (with dark hole, and if the duel has been going on for a while, you've already won if you play this card) trap hole (helps for direct attacks) Extra deck: Malefic paradox dragon stardust dragon any cards you want really some of the strategies in this deck include getting rid of your weaker monsters to summon stronger monsters. I know this deck doesn't have much cards to negate cards like "heavy storm", but I don't have a lot of dust tornadoes. Also, even though this is an answer, I want to know what cards I should replace in this deck before I go to a tournament with it. Also, before you "rate" this deck please note that I'm only 11 and I don't have a rainbow dragon, and I only use cards I have. If you can, you should replace malefic red eyes with malefic rainbow, and add in malefic stardust somewhere. but with the cards I have, this is the best I can do. Disclaimer: I am not responsible for any papercuts caused by constructing this deck.

How much is an original blue-eyes white dragon worth?

about 3$ maybe 4$ at the most it is worth 1$

What Dragons have relations to Blue Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon - root Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon - Fusion monster utilizing 3 Blue-Eyes White Dragons Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon - Can be Special Summoned by Tributing a Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon Paladin of White Dragon - Can be Tributed to Special Summon a Blue-Eyes White Dragon SIN Blue-Eyes White Dragon - Alternate form of Blue-Eyes White Dragon, to be released in Duelist Pack Kaiba in April 2010.

How much is your blue eyes white dragon?

My Blue Eyes White Dragon is not for sell

What is the serial numbers of blue eyes white dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon: 89631139

What color is the Blue-Eyes White Dragon?

Blue-Eyes White Dragon is a Silver/Grey color.