Generally 10.00 but prices do vary based on interest of course...
A Spanish 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card is worth around $20.
it's worth about 10$. that's what i got mine for.
The worth of an Italian 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card will be determined by things such as condition and supply and demand.They average about $3 in mint condition.
its part of the trading card game you can now collect a level x card can be placed on the same one with a level ie level 45 flareon you could put the level x flareon card on it the level x can then use the same attacks and abilities as the card under it, as well as the ones listed on the level x card too hope that helped
Dark Celebi was a rare type of card in the Pokemon Trading Card game. One is worth between $2 and $5.
About $10-20 depending on version and condition of card
The Pokemon trainer card "Cynthia's Feelings" is worth about 7 pents.
The rarest Pokemon card of 2008 is a card named POKEMON ILLUSTRATER. This card is worth $5,000 easy.
Bunghole said that we are selling ours for 4o bucks we have to so YEAAA BUDDDY.
A Spanish 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card is worth around $20.
If the card is shiny, the Pokemon is a high level, or both then it is rare.
You can't get a level x in pokemon games just card's. But they can go up to level 100.
level x Pokemon cards are surprisingly 55 dollars rated if any one ever has a sale that is the price zone keep it or leave it!
Depends on what edition of the card it is.