A Spanish 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card is worth around $20.
about 10 or 20
Dark Celebi was a rare type of card in the Pokemon Trading Card game. One is worth between $2 and $5.
The worth of an Italian 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card will be determined by things such as condition and supply and demand.They average about $3 in mint condition.
I`d say about $10-$15
Not much. They are just Pokemon cards, which aren't worth a ton. Maybe around $10 at the most. Maybe $20 for the must-have trader.
as much as u want to sell it but not too much becuz nobody will buy it.
The Pokemon trainer card "Cynthia's Feelings" is worth about 7 pents.
about 1.00$.
Depends on what edition of the card it is.
Depending on the version and condition of the Torchic card, it can be worth as little as a dollar or as much as $50.
i have a mewtwo & a Jiggalypuff .. did you find out how much they are worth ??
It can be worth about 20$-30$.
A Spanish 1st edition Machamp Pokemon card is worth around $20.
75,000 USD
It probably depends on the condition of the card.