$16.95 ( I have one and my friend wants it for a whopping $300!) I am not lying it is really $16.95. Is it this one?
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Some are worth little amounts but some are worth lots e.g. mewtwo ex full art goes for $95
A 1996 holographic Japanese Mewtwo is worth between $20 and $200 depending on the specific model. Its overall condition also plays a large part in how much it is worth.
Blaziken ex is worth $29.99.
Kyurem ex is worth about 15$
the EX one is worth at least 20 dollars on amazon.
Some are worth little amounts but some are worth lots e.g. mewtwo ex full art goes for $95
Some are worth little amounts but some are worth lots e.g. mewtwo ex full art goes for $95
i have a mewtwo & a Jiggalypuff .. did you find out how much they are worth ??
There is no mewtwo LV X but there is a full art version which is worth 70 to $80 if you find it in a booster pack.
i have a mewtwo & a Jiggalypuff .. did you find out how much they are worth ??
A 1996 holographic Japanese Mewtwo is worth between $20 and $200 depending on the specific model. Its overall condition also plays a large part in how much it is worth.
Blaziken ex is worth $29.99.
Kyurem ex is worth about 15$
either kyurem ex or mewtwo ex
around 20.oo