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What do you mean how much Zapdos is worth? You can't sell it, but it's a legendary pokemon and worth catching. But I assure you you're not going to get any pokemoney or real money for it.

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How much is a holographic Zapdos card worth?

it depends on how old it is . if it is a card from the 90s it is worth alot.

How much are Zapdos moltres Articuno Pokemon card worth?

about 10 or 20

How much is this Zapdos card worth?

On average today? Around $90-$120.

How much is a promo Zapdos worth?

22-25 ex45-48lvl x 44-46

Is moltres stronger than Zapdos?

Both Moltres and Zapdos are strong pretty much equal

How can you catch zapdos?

weaken Zapdos as much as you can then throw a master ball at it which can be bought at the pokemart/pokeshop

How much hp does Zapdos have in blue mystery dungeon?

he has about 1000hp

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Who is better raikous or zapdos?

I want to guess zapdos because zapdos is electric/flying.

When was Zapdos created?

Zapdos was created in 1996.

What poke ball do you use to catch Zapdos?

You can catch Zapdos in any ball you like, however dusk balls would be ideal in this situation as they provide a much higher catch rate.

How can you get zapdos in Pokemon SoulSilver?

you can find zapdos in ecrutak city