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Q: How much heat BTU's does a Xbox 360 generate?
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How much heat will 1 Kw generate?

1 kilowatt (kW) is equivalent to 3412 British thermal units (BTUs) per hour. This can be used to calculate the amount of heat generated by the 1 kW depending on the specific application.

How much heat is required to vapourize 5 pounds of water?

It takes approximately 970 BTUs to vaporize one pound of water. Therefore, for 5 pounds of water, it would require 4850 BTUs to vaporize all of it.

How much heat will the Tucker Clip Task Lighting generate, are they safe to use on books?

They do not generate enough heat to burn a book if cliped on and the bulb not close.

How much heat can a car tire generate?

350 degree Fahrenheit of temperature.

How much heat does each kingsford charcoal briquette put out?

Each Kingsford charcoal briquette typically releases about 7,000 BTUs of heat when burned. This heat output can vary slightly depending on factors such as airflow and quality of the charcoal.

How much wood is required to generate 1 ton of steam?

Near to 400 pounds.One pound of steam requires the input of 1080 btus of heat added to 32oF water at atmospheric pressure. One ton or 2000 pounds requires the input of 2.16 million btus, and a boiler with 80% efficiency (common value) will need 2.7 million btus of heat from the combustion of the wood. Assuming the wood has a btu heat content of 6500 btu/lb (commonly most woods are 6000 to 7000 btu/lb) then about 415 pounds of wood are required to produce 1 ton of steam. In practice only 375 pounds of wood are needed to maintain a steady output of one ton of steam in a boiler, as the water when reintroduced into the boiler is very close to the steaming temperature and doesn't need to be heated from 32oF.

How is heat made by electricity?

There are many ways how electricity can create heat. For example, passing a current through a wire of high resistance (i.e. a resistor) will generate heat, though not much.

Should I ask for an xbox 360 or a ps3?

a ps3. it has better graphics, a better remote, free online play, it doesn't heat up as much, it doesn't have as many problems as the xbox, and much more.

How much heat does a person generate?

A human body generates around 100 watts of heat at rest, but this amount can increase with physical activity or environmental conditions.

How much total heat produce by 1 kg of human body weight?

That is not a straightforward answer because heat isn't produced by body weight but as a waste product of metabolism. The more metabolically active a tissue is, the more heat it will generate. So like muscle tissue will generate more heat than adipose (fat) tissue.

How much gas does it take to heat a gallon of water?

Heating a gallon of water by one degree Celsius requires around 8,337 BTUs (British Thermal Units) of energy. Since 1 cubic foot of natural gas produces about 1,031 BTUs, you would need roughly 8 cubic feet of natural gas to heat a gallon of water by one degree Celsius.

How much heat does a gas fireplace produce?

A gas fireplace can generate between 7,000 to 60,000 BTUs (British Thermal Units) of heat per hour, depending on its size and model. This heat output can efficiently warm up a room or even a larger area in your home.