most people say 100 happiness so if you want to evolve it from an egg it should have about 70 happiness so give it proteins irons etc. and give it a soothe bell and battle.
p.s. don't let it lose
riolu doesnt evolve with lv im afraid. like eevee needs maximum happiness in the day to evolve into espeon you need to lv up at maximum happiness in the day to evelve riolu into lucario. i know its anoying when that happens!
Riolu evolves when Level Up by Happiness Value at 220 During the Day
it will need about 100 happiness
Its happiness value need to be at 220 in the Day Time.
riolu dosent need a stone just raise it intell its lv46 that's what level mine evolved at.
riolu doesnt evolve with lv im afraid. like eevee needs maximum happiness in the day to evolve into espeon you need to lv up at maximum happiness in the day to evelve riolu into lucario. i know its anoying when that happens!
Riolu evolves when Level Up by Happiness Value at 220 During the Day
Riolu doesn't evolve at any set level. To make Riolu evolve you need to make it's happiness by keeping it healed up and in your party. Taking it to the NPC that gives Pokémon massages will also raise it's happiness. The final condition for Riolu to evolve is that it needs to be daytime. Once the conditions are met the Riolu should evolve into a Lucario at any level.
it will need about 100 happiness
You need to have the egg in your party and then walk/ride your bike a few thousand steps (I don't remember exactly how many) to get it to hatch. Then Riolu will evolve into Lucario when its happiness is maxed.
Its happiness value need to be at 220 in the Day Time.
About 220+ and then during the day it will Evolve.
riolu evolves with a certain amount of happiness and riolus will have a certain amount of a chance to evolve at diffrent amounts of happiness and if your riolus happiness is maxed out then it will only evolve during the day - a female and a male riolu will not have eggs if you put them in the day care - a female evolved riolu (a female lucario) and a male evolved riolu (a male lucario) will have eggs if you put them in the day care
riolu dosent need a stone just raise it intell its lv46 that's what level mine evolved at.
you train your happiness up all the way and then during the day your riolu should evolve, i believe mine was around lvl 32 when he evolved but it all depends on the happiness level i recommend a soothe bell it helps a lot! also visit the footstep guy on the beach that tell you your pokemon's happiness if you want to know where you are.
sun ribbion
First, you have to have defeated Darkrai. Second, you need to equip riolu with a sun ribbon, and take it to the spring where you evolve pokemon. Then it will evolve into lucario.