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They have at least 1000 HSP power and must have at more than 1000 G power. Since they are combined of trap Bakugan they consist of many G powers combined together to make a total for the Helios or Dragonoid. You also must have bulding gate to assemble Helios or Drago in the game

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Q: How much g power does maxus dragonoid and maxus Helios have?
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How much g power does maxus Helios have?


How much g power does the bakugan neo dragonoid have?

the old neo dragonoid cant have any G power past 523 the neo dragonoid that makes maxus dragonoid has about 600 Gs but,the neo dragonoid that makes dragonoid collossus just alone has 1480Gs

How much g does maxus drago have?

It depends on how much G's the Neo Dragonoid has.

How much g does maxus Helios have?

I think it has 3700 or 3800

How much g is maxus dragonoid?

colossus dragonoid has 1120g power because the battle gears got g power to blasteroid has 50g nukix gear has 100g beamblitzer has 120g axator gear has 80g and battalix dragonoid has 770g

How much does maxus Helios cost?

It costs around 46 dollars and its also a Toys R Us exclusive.

How much g-power does colossus dragonoid have?

he has 1220g power

What is the strongest Bakugan?

Dragonoid Colossus is the strongest bakugan ever! I i agree dragonoid colossus is the strongest so far. it is maybe 1100 and maxus dragonoid on the show is 3000 some i do not know how much dragonoid collossus is on the cartoon i say that because drago beat dharak and drago has more DNA than dharak i think dharak is a lot stronger than most bakugan but not drago because drago beat dharak!

How much Gs does titanium dragonoid have?

Titanium Dragonoid has a G-Power level of 850 Gs.

How much g power is battalix dragonoid?

It has 770 Gs

How much g power does dragonoid have?

well it depends on the type and the attribute

How much g power is iron dragonoid?

1 000 000g