Destroy all humans path of the Furon won't be coming out on PS2 as there is too much content in the game for a PS2 disc to hold. It is only on PS3 and XBOX360 in Europe and only on XBOX360 in the USA.
The game costs 19 pounds.
it costs £/$20 for a new game and for the preowned it is £/$ 15
a brand new xbox360 arcade is $199 but it doesn't have a hardrive ($100) a normal xbox360 is around $299 and the xtreme xbox360 (black one) which has a little better graphics and twice as much memory space is around $399
The game costs around $50 in the USA, and £30 in the UK.
60$ when it came out now its 30$-40$.
A XBOX360 costs about $190.00
it costs £199.99 if your buying the 250GB version but if your buying the 4GB version it costs £149.99
It depends on the game and how new it is... probably anywhere from $5 to $25.
This game is 74.98 without tax with tax this game is 80.00
This is an indie game on xbox360 marketplace for 800 Microsoft points ($10.00)
depends where and how much the games are worth.. (older the games less money they are worth)
It costs $8 for a one month card, $20 for a three month card, and $50 for a year card.
no!! xbox360 is much better
HELLLLLLLLLZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ NO! A PS2 is much cheaper than an Xbox360, but other than that, an Xbox360 is probably better. xbox360 has better games
Halo wars is unavailable in ps3 as it is a Microsoft game so it is only avalaible in xbox360.