you downt have to pay at all. you get it when you start the game.
pokedex or National
Umbreon is for the national Pokedex, and Elekid is #197 in the Sinnoh Pokedex.
Lucario's pokedex number in the National Pokedex is 448.
146 is Uxie on sinnoh pokedex On National pokedex it is Moltres
Chinchou Is #170 in the pokedex.
151 sinnoh pokedex 493 national pokedex
serabi pokedex, national pokedex, Pokemon, and that's preety much all.
In D/P you need to have seen 150 Pokemon to get the National Pokedex and for Platinum you need to see 210 pokemon.
you get your legendery pokedex!!!! you get your legendery pokedex!!!! you get your legendery pokedex!!!!
there isn't, national is the final upgrade for the pokedex
Sinnoh pokedex- rotomNational Pokedex- Psyduck
press switch pokedex on the national pokedex and you will be using the sinnoh pokedex
Chinchou is number 170 in the National Pokedex, number 174 in the New Pokedex, number 176 in the Johto Pokedex, #181 in the Hoenn Pokedex, and number 147 in the Coastal Kalos Pokedex.
you complete your current pokedex to get the MASTER pokedex, not BLASTER pokedex, there's no such thing as a BASTER pokedex.
You need to for the National Pokedex, but not the Sinnoh Pokedex.
in the national pokedex, it is chikorita, and in the sinnoh pokedex, it is rotom
In the national pokedex - 361 In the hoenn pokedex - 171 In case you're wondering, Snorunt is not in the sinnoh pokedex.