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speaking from past experience it doesn't work i got mine off eBay for 15 dollars but could not use it better to get a wireless router and go from there

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Q: How much does a Nintendo DS WiFi USB cost?
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How much does a Nintendo WiFi usb connector cost?

Nothing. (as I'm told!)



Why can't your Nintendo DS detect your Nintendo Wi-Fi USB connector but it can detect your DS?

What can detect your DS? Please be more specific. From what I gather, your saying that the Nintendo WiFi USB Connector (WiFi USB) can dtect your DS but not your DS cannot detect 'it'. WiFI USB cannot detect Nintendo DS's unless it is connected to it. So, the Nintendo DS would have to be able to detect the Wifi USB for it to be able to detect the DS. ThE AvEnGeR

How do you battle wifi Pokemon platinum?

You need a wifi router or a Nintendo wifi usb

Does it cost for your Nintendo DSi to connect internet to it?

No it doesnt , If you have WIFI it is free but if you have a dongle USB you cannot connect at all.

Can Xbox live connect with the Nintendo WiFi usb connector?

No it can not. The Nintendo wifi usb adapter sends a signal that only Nintendo products meant to connect to wifi (such as the DS and the Wii) can pick up. Xbox and other products of that nature can not pick up on the wireless signal sent out by the usb adapter.

What is the range on the Nintendo WiFi usb adapter?

Nintendo claims it is up to 30 feet

Where can you buy an Nintendo WiFi usb connector?

try eBay

Does Nintendo Wifi USB connector work on mac?

no it doesn't

Can you get the Nintendo WIFI connection to work without a wireless adapter?

you ether need a Nintendo wifi usb connector or a wireless router.

You bought a Nintendo WiFi usb connector but it can't obtain the ip address?

Try placing the ds closer to the usb wifi connector

Do you need a wifi usb connector to have WiFi connection?

No, as long as your Nintendo DS can pickup a wireless connection, you can still connect to Nintendo WFC.