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Yup. I'm 100% sure. I own a DSi and I gave my friends the wifi connector, because I have a router now.

go in the web and check yourself on your ds!!

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Q: Will the Nintendo DSi connect to a Nintendo usb wifi connector?
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Does the Nintendo DSi XL have WiFi?

Yes, the Nintendo DSi XL has WiFi and can connect to the internet.

How do you get wi-fi connection for Nintendo ds?

To connect wifi to your Ds you must have a DSi or a Nitendo WIFI USB Connector for about $60.

Can you connect Nintendo DSi to internet anywhere where there is wifi?

yes, but you can only have six different wifi locations on it.

Does the Nintendo WiFi usb connector work with the dsi?

It only supports WPA 2 not WEP or others

Does it cost for your Nintendo DSi to connect internet to it?

No it doesnt , If you have WIFI it is free but if you have a dongle USB you cannot connect at all.

Is the wifi connection of a Nintendo DS different to Nintendo DSi?

Indeed-- If you have WiFi with a DSi you can go on the internet.

Where to download Nintendo WiFi usb connector software on mas os x?

You cant you just have to buy the dsi usb connector for money you cheapskate!

Can You Use A Nintendo DSi on a Plane?

Yes, but you can't connect to WiFi or use any wireless communications.

Can you buy an Nintendo WiFi usb connector at Walgreen's for internet on a dsi?

i dont think so. try game stop

How do you get wifi connection on a Nintendo DSi XL?

You have to own wifi

What is Nintendo WiFi and how do you use it?

Nintendo wifi is a feature only available with the Nintendo wii and Nintendo ds/ds lite/dsi. the basic idea is that you connect to the internet and play games. heres how to get connected: you need- a wireless router, a broadband high speed connection, a ds/ds lite/dsi, and a wifi game. once you have got all these things, simply set your wifi settings-should be an option in the game- and then get connected!

Does all Nintendo DSi Xl have WIFI?

Yes all Nintendo DS's no matter what the version have the abilty to receive WIFI.