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I quit Club Penguin but ill tell you how much you really get. It depends if your constantly on and banning Bad Members you can get up to $30 ( per day ). I prefer being a CP moderator as a second job or activity because you don't earn much.

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How can you be a member in Club Penguin without money?

You can't. Club penguin make their money off people being members. Of course- you can be a penguin on club penguin without being a proper member. Unfortunately though, non-members can't do much at all on club penguin. Hope it helped! :)

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A puffle is 800 coins on Club Penguin.

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There are exactly137.94 club penguin plays. They include Penguin Puddle and the much more famous Penguin Panic.

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How much is the membership in Club Penguin?

its not in club penguin you gotta buy a member ship card to be a member on club penguin or just be a normal penguin you don't need to a member to go on club penguin so go have fun!

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You can have 0 coins and still be on Club Penguin. Or have more than 1,00000 coins and still be on Club Penguin

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yh it is pretty much the same but i perfer club penguin

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Each puffle on club penguin costs 800 coins.

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You can pretty much play all the games you play on Club Penguin.

How much is club penguin the game a month?

It currently costs $5.95 to be a member on Club Penguin for one month.