I quit Club Penguin but ill tell you how much you really get. It depends if your constantly on and banning Bad Members you can get up to $30 ( per day ). I prefer being a CP moderator as a second job or activity because you don't earn much.
Club Penguin has membership and at least half are members.
its not in club penguin you gotta buy a member ship card to be a member on club penguin or just be a normal penguin you don't need to a member to go on club penguin so go have fun!
2 late for you!!!Club Penguin has designed a NEW secret agent thing, so goodbye to the old "test on the golden M"! They have created a much difficult, much harder, and much more complicated club penguin called the EPF lite force on Club Penguin! Good luck being an agent!(and i know it's possible)
The Club Penguin Times is a newspaper that is publish every Thursday. It contains events and secrets. It also has a joke section, a puzzle sections and much more.
You can't. Club penguin make their money off people being members. Of course- you can be a penguin on club penguin without being a proper member. Unfortunately though, non-members can't do much at all on club penguin. Hope it helped! :)
A puffle is 800 coins on Club Penguin.
what you have to do is buy a club penguin book and go to club penguin and log in then hit unlock itemsclick i have a book and answer the queston.
There are exactly137.94 club penguin plays. They include Penguin Puddle and the much more famous Penguin Panic.
Club Penguin has membership and at least half are members.
its not in club penguin you gotta buy a member ship card to be a member on club penguin or just be a normal penguin you don't need to a member to go on club penguin so go have fun!
You can have 0 coins and still be on Club Penguin. Or have more than 1,00000 coins and still be on Club Penguin
I think we should keep Club Penguin but I think the old Club Penguin was much better than the Disney Club Penguin did find a way to get old Club Penguin back but then the site got closed down for cheating).
yh it is pretty much the same but i perfer club penguin
Each puffle on club penguin costs 800 coins.
You can pretty much play all the games you play on Club Penguin.
It currently costs $5.95 to be a member on Club Penguin for one month.