If your referring to the PlayStaion. PS1 you cannot buy at retail stores, PS2 is brand new for around AU $159.00, PS3's RRP is $499.99
you have to catch one! PS. you only have a 30% chance of encountering a shiny pokemon.
It can be on PS3, PS4, X Box 360, X Box One, PS Vita, and PC.
Pixel Shader is a graphics processing program that runs on the GPU (graphics processing unit) in your video card. There are many versions of PS (Pixel Shader), and I believe at the time of writing the latest version out is 4.1. To get at least PS 3, you will need to get an ATI RADEON x1300-x1900 or a GeForce 6-7 series card, or above. Some of the Intel GMA integrated chipsets support it, but it's emulated and as such will run MUCH more slowly. For a quick chart to this information, please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pixel_shaders Search in google shopping as a starting point in searching for a good deal on a video card, but most likely you can get a PS 3 video card for less that $100 US.
Downloading Grand Theft Auto for the PS Vita is very easy to do. Go to the PS store on the Vita and scroll to PSP/Vita games. Then choose the game for download.
PS Classics was created in 2000.
they cost 10 to 15 dollars PS. you should get one they are so cool
it cost 250 bucks
700.00 RM
A PS VITA with WI-FI Model= $249A PS VITA with 3G WI-FI Model= $300A PS VITA with 3G WI-FI GAME and CASE BUNDLE= $350this is only the cost for the U.S NOT for Mexico
chicken noddles PS clipse is the best
The game has a $40 retail price
On release, the PS3 cost 59,800 Yen.