When It First Came Out It Was About $200.00
Then It Was Eventually Lowered To $99.99
this is the onlyanswer! there r no nintendos ever made!
How how much does the Super Nintendo moto 1 worth
about 35 to 40 dollars
== ==
60 $$$that
it cost about 99.99
It was $199 when it was first released.
The cost of a Nintendo in texes is the same price as here. $100 to $200.
It depends on what system you want. Older used systems (like Nintendo 64, Super Nintendo, NES) will run $20-$30 for the system alone, while something brand new may cost as much as $250. A regular Nintendo DS (not 3DS) would be about $120.
An Nintendo DS cost $129.99 and a Nintendo DSi is $169.99