CoD Black Ops sold over $650,000,000 in the first week of sales, including pre-ordering.
Go to a game stop sell some of your old boring games get a member ship caed get credit, then buy black ops from game stop.
Free in Chine
Black ops
2 Black Ops 1 and Black Ops 2 email me at i can answer any questions about black ops 1 black ops 2 and world at war i know all secrets glitches hacks etc...
$59.99 you can preorder it at many websites
more than what you will make in a lifetime
umm gamestop...
Srry DS doesn't have black ops kid
no its crap, black ops is much better, sell it if you have it, and dont buy it if u dont
No. It is on the ps3 though.
this week 2802596458
yes it did ' what is better black ops or reach; plz reply
The price of the video game Black Ops II varies greatly depending on where the came is purchased and whether it is new or used. On average, one can expect to pay approximately fifty dollars.
they will sell it and the date for release is on February 2011
There is no Call of Duty Black Ops for iPod.